{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (47 matches)

A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.

future (12 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#20 Emulate the SVP chip used by Virtua Racing Genesis/Megadrive new 0.5.0 completeness major Mike Pavone 8 years ago
#19 Emulate multi-taps Genesis/Megadrive new 0.5.0 completeness major Mike Pavone 8 years ago
#37 Implement Z80 IM 0 and IM 2 Genesis/Megadrive new 0.5.0 completeness major Mike Pavone 4 years ago
#18 Emulate the Pier Solar mapper Genesis/Megadrive new 0.5.0 completeness major Mike Pavone 8 years ago
#17 Emulate light guns Genesis/Megadrive new 0.5.0 completeness major Mike Pavone 8 years ago
#31 32X Support Genesis/Megadrive new 0.5.0 completeness major Mike Pavone 8 years ago
#28 Emulate the Codemasters mapper SMS/Mark III new 0.5.0 completeness minor Mike Pavone 8 years ago
#27 Emulate the Miracle Piano peripheral Genesis/Megadrive new 0.5.0 completeness minor Mike Pavone 8 years ago
#26 Emulate the XE-1 AP Genesis/Megadrive new 0.5.0 completeness minor Mike Pavone 8 years ago
#25 Some Z80/68K interactions have only approximate timing Genesis/Megadrive new 0.5.0 accuracy minor Mike Pavone 8 years ago
#24 68K refresh delays are only approximate Genesis/Megadrive new 0.5.0 accuracy minor Mike Pavone 8 years ago
#13 CRAM artifacts are a little off in Outrunners and Overdrive 2 Genesis/Megadrive new 0.5.0 accuracy minor Mike Pavone 8 years ago

0.8.0 (1 match)

#23 Line -1 renders incorrectly in two scenes of Overdrive 2 Genesis/Megadrive new 0.5.0 compatibility major Mike Pavone 4 years ago

0.7.0 (6 matches)

#30 Sega CD Support Genesis/Megadrive new 0.5.0 completeness major Mike Pavone 3 years ago
#46 Add hotkey for loading state in quicksave slot user interface new 0.6.2 enhancement minor Mike Pavone 3 years ago
#38 Window bug behavior is incorrect Genesis/Megadrive closed fixed 0.6.2 accuracy minor Mike Pavone 4 years ago
#42 TMSS Support Genesis/Megadrive closed fixed 0.6.2 completeness minor Mike Pavone 4 years ago
#43 ui.enter_debug does not work for GDB debugger Genesis/Megadrive closed fixed 0.6.2 defect minor Mike Pavone 4 years ago
#39 VDP debug windows stop working when loading a new ROM Genesis/Megadrive closed fixed 0.6.2 defect minor Mike Pavone 4 years ago

0.6.0 (1 match)

#32 Nuklear Based UI user interface closed fixed 0.5.0 enhancement major Mike Pavone 4 years ago

0.5.2 (1 match)

#36 Minor Graphical Glitch in Road Rash 3 Bike Shop Genesis/Megadrive closed fixed 0.5.0 compatibility trivial Mike Pavone 4 years ago

0.5.1 (4 matches)

#33 Regression in XBAND keyboard support Genesis/Megadrive closed fixed 0.5.0 defect minor Mike Pavone 8 years ago
#21 Add remaining EEPROM games to ROM DB Genesis/Megadrive closed fixed 0.5.0 compatibility major Mike Pavone 8 years ago
#29 Blank out non-drawn parts of the window Genesis/Megadrive closed fixed 0.5.0 defect major Mike Pavone 8 years ago
#22 Occassional black line in Top Gear 2 Genesis/Megadrive closed fixed 0.5.0 compatibility major Mike Pavone 8 years ago

0.5.0 (15 matches)

#6 Update changelog Genesis/Megadrive closed fixed 0.4.1 task major somebody 8 years ago
#7 SMS pause button support Genesis/Megadrive closed fixed 0.4.1 enhancement major somebody 8 years ago
#5 Update README Genesis/Megadrive closed fixed 0.4.1 task major somebody 8 years ago
#15 Emulate slow rise time of IO port pin when transitioning from low output to input Genesis/Megadrive closed fixed 0.4.1 accuracy major Mike Pavone 8 years ago
#2 YM2612 SSG-EG mode is missing Genesis/Megadrive closed fixed 0.4.1 accuracy major somebody 8 years ago
#16 Screenshots are shifted to the right user interface closed fixed 0.5.0-pre defect major Mike Pavone 8 years ago
#9 Adventures of Batman and Robin (PAL) - error during Two Face boss fight Genesis/Megadrive closed fixed 0.4.1 compatibility major somebody 8 years ago
#3 YM2612 CSM mode is missing Genesis/Megadrive closed fixed 0.4.1 accuracy major somebody 8 years ago
#14 Change the default format of screenshot filenames user interface closed fixed 0.5.0-pre defect major Mike Pavone 8 years ago
#4 Allow SRAM/EEPROM/save states to be stored relative to ROMs Genesis/Megadrive closed fixed 0.4.1 enhancement major somebody 8 years ago
#1 DIVU/DIVS timing is inaccurate Genesis/Megadrive closed fixed 0.4.1 accuracy major somebody 8 years ago
#12 Error/Warning dialogs broken on Windows user interface closed fixed 0.5.0-pre defect major Mike Pavone 8 years ago
#11 Make shortcuts trigger on key press user interface closed fixed 0.4.1 defect minor Mike Pavone 8 years ago
#10 Add screenshot button user interface closed fixed 0.4.1 enhancement major Mike Pavone 8 years ago
#8 movem.l -(a0), <ea> not decoding to illegal instruction Genesis/Megadrive closed fixed 0.4.1 accuracy major Mike Pavone 8 years ago

(empty) (7 matches)

#34 Change how palettes are displayed in debugger user interface closed fixed 0.5.0 enhancement minor Mike Pavone 4 years ago
#35 Allow loading ROMs from ZIP files user interface closed fixed 0.5.0 enhancement major Mike Pavone 4 years ago
#45 Can't start BlastEm when stored on a path with Unicode characters user interface new 0.6.2 defect blocker Mike Pavone 4 years ago
#41 [libretro] Add Core Options user interface new 0.6.2 enhancement minor Mike Pavone 4 years ago
#40 [libretro] Sound Popping on Game Launch Genesis/Megadrive new 0.6.2 defect minor Mike Pavone 4 years ago
#44 Emulator crash when exiting after address error Genesis/Megadrive new 0.6.2 defect minor Mike Pavone 4 years ago
#47 Savestate Issues Genesis/Megadrive closed fixed 0.5.0 defect minor Mike Pavone 2 years ago
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